The Ashtavakra Gita is a revered scripture in the realm of Advaita Vedanta, known for its profound wisdom and direct approach to spiritual realization. It is a dialogue between the sage Ashtavakra and King Janaka, where the fundamental truths of existence and the nature of the Self are explored. The name “Ashtavakra” refers to the sage who had eight physical deformities at birth, symbolizing his spiritual maturity and mastery over the eight limbs of YOG.
The Ashtavakra Gita holds immense significance as a spiritual guide, as it transcends the boundaries of conventional wisdom and delves directly into the core essence of non-duality. Unlike other texts that offer moral codes or practical advice, the Ashtavakra Gita focuses solely on the realization of the Self, urging the seeker to transcend the limitations of the mind and recognize the eternal truth within.
The teachings of the Ashtavakra Gita are radical and transformative. They challenge the notion of individuality, emphasizing the ultimate reality of the unchanging Self. It highlights the illusory nature of the world and encourages detachment from worldly attachments and identifications. The text emphasizes the importance of self-inquiry, discrimination, and the realization of one’s true nature beyond the limitations of body, mind, and intellect.

Seek GOD not his Gifts. Embrace the divine presence within, and the blessings of abundance, love, and fulfilment will naturally flow into your life.
The profound wisdom of the Ashtavakra Gita can be summarized in key teachings such as:
- Self-Realization: The ultimate aim is to realize the true nature of the Self, which is eternally pure, free, and unaffected by the transient experiences of life.
- Non-Duality: The text emphasizes the non-dual nature of existence, where there is no separation between the individual self (jiva) and the universal Self (Brahman). The recognition of this oneness is the key to liberation.
- Illusion of the World: The Ashtavakra Gita reveals the illusory nature of the world and challenges the attachment and identification with transient phenomena. It encourages the seeker to go beyond the play of duality and recognize the underlying unity.
- Detachment and Renunciation: The text emphasizes the importance of detachment from worldly attachments and identifications. By cultivating a sense of non-attachment, one can transcend suffering and realize true freedom.
- Self-Inquiry: Ashtavakra Gita emphasizes self-inquiry as a means to transcend the limitations of the mind and realize one’s true nature. By questioning the nature of the Self and diving deep within, one can directly experience the eternal truth.
Ashtavakra Gita is believed to have taken place during the ancient Indian time. It is said that Ashtavakra, despite his physical deformities, possessed immense wisdom and attained Self-realization at a young age. King Janaka, known for his spiritual seeking, invited Ashtavakra to his court, leading to their profound dialogue, which forms the essence of the Ashtavakra Gita.
The Ashtavakra Gita continues to inspire and guide spiritual seekers, offering a direct path to Self-realization and liberation from the illusions of the world. Its teachings carry the timeless wisdom of non-duality and serve as a beacon of light for those who aspire to transcend the limitations of the mind and experience the eternal truth of their own being.
Here are a few dialogues between Ashtavakra and King Janaka from the Ashtavakra Gita:
- Ashtavakra says to King Janaka: “O King, you are not bound by anything. You are pure consciousness, the witness of all experiences. You are beyond birth and death, pleasure and pain. Recognize your true nature and be free.”
- King Janaka asks Ashtavakra: “How can one attain liberation while living in the world, engaged in various responsibilities and duties?” Ashtavakra replies: “O King, liberation is not dependent on external circumstances. It is the realization of the Self, the recognition that you are beyond all limitations. Engage in your duties with detachment and offer the results to the Divine. Remain inwardly free, unaffected by the play of the world.”
- King Janaka expresses his doubts: “I am constantly engaged in worldly affairs and responsibilities. How can I realize the Self amidst all these distractions?” Ashtavakra responds: “O King, the external activities are not obstacles to self-realization. It is the attachment and identification with those activities that bind you. Recognize that you are the eternal witness, untouched by the actions and their results. Abide in the awareness of your true nature, and all actions will be performed in harmony.”
- King Janaka seeks clarification: “What is the nature of the Self? How can it be realized?” Ashtavakra explains: “The Self is pure consciousness, unborn and eternal. It is the substratum of all experiences and perceptions. Realize that you are not the body, mind, or ego. Be still and silent, and in that stillness, the truth will reveal itself.”
These dialogues capture the essence of the teachings found in the Ashtavakra Gita. They emphasize the timeless truth of the Self, the importance of recognizing one’s true nature, and the possibility of attaining liberation while being engaged in the world. The conversation between Ashtavakra and King Janaka serves as a profound exploration of the nature of reality and the path to self-realization.