Addressing Religious Extremism: Wisdom from Sacred Scriptures
Religious extremism poses a significant challenge to global harmony, tolerance, and understanding. By turning to the wisdom of sacred scriptures, we can find guidance on fostering interfaith dialogue, promoting love, compassion, and unity among diverse religious communities.
- The Bhagavad Gita reminds us of the underlying unity of all religions. In Chapter 4, Verse 11, Lord Krishna states, “Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata, abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srjamy aham” – Whenever and wherever there is a decline in righteousness and a rise in unrighteousness, O Arjuna, I manifest Myself to protect the virtuous and to annihilate the evildoers. This verse teaches us that the Supreme Being manifests in various forms to uphold righteousness and counteract religious extremism. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance between religious practices and fostering a spirit of inclusivity.

Together, let us rise above societal challenges, guided by compassion and wisdom, to build a better world for all, where harmony, justice, and love prevail.
- The teachings of Supreme Shiva in the Shiv Purana inspire us to transcend religious divisions and embrace the universal principles of love, compassion, and unity. Shiva is often depicted as Ardhanarishvara, the embodiment of both masculine and feminine energies, symbolizing the oneness of all beings. This representation calls for the recognition and acceptance of diversity while promoting harmony and respect among different faith traditions.
- The Ramayana narrates the virtues of Lord Rama, who exemplifies righteousness and respect for all beings. His interactions with different religious figures, such as the sage Valmiki and the monkey deity Hanuman, demonstrate the importance of mutual understanding and respect across religious boundaries. Lord Rama’s actions inspire us to bridge differences, foster dialogue, and build bridges of understanding among diverse religious communities.
- The Upanishads guide us towards realizing the ultimate truth of divine unity beyond religious distinctions. They proclaim “Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti” – The truth is one, but the wise speak of it in various ways. This shloka encourages us to embrace the diverse paths and expressions of spirituality, recognizing that all religions ultimately lead to the same divine truth.
- The scriptures also emphasize the values of love, compassion, and tolerance. The teachings of Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Buddha, and other spiritual luminaries echo these principles. By promoting interfaith dialogues, fostering understanding, and actively challenging divisive ideologies, we can create a world where religious extremism finds no fertile ground.
It is crucial for religious leaders, scholars, and communities to engage in meaningful conversations, encourage mutual respect, and promote religious literacy. Education on comparative religion and shared spiritual values can help dispel misconceptions, reduce prejudices, and build bridges of understanding.
By drawing inspiration from the scriptures and teachings of different faith traditions, we can combat religious extremism and foster a climate of peace, harmony, and respect. Let us work together to promote interfaith dialogue, nurture love, compassion, and unity, and build a world where religious diversity is celebrated and cherished.